Marketing On-The-Go
Mobile marketing refers to marketing on a handheld wireless device such as a cell phone.  As the use of web browsing “smart phones” increases, so too does the potential for a new and innovative advertising medium.  Preliminary results on mobile advertising returns indicate a strong return on ad spend.  The technical services team of Synapse SEM possesses over three years of mobile marketing experience and is ready to position your company front and center in a fast paced digital age.

The Last Frontier
Perhaps the most enticing quality of the mobile marketing landscape is that so much ‘real estate’ is available.  The mobile marketing field is still highly unsaturated as many companies are yet to make the jump into this new and  ‘untamed’ advertising channel.  The truth is that the success of mobile marketing is inevitable and that now, better than ever, is the time to act.  Fifty percent of Americans are projected to own a smart phone in the next year.  Couple that user volume with a playing field that is uncrowded and largely affordable, and we see an advertising channel that should be a critical component of your overall marketing strategy.

Our mobile expertise surrounds pay-per-click advertising.  Mobile PPC is in many ways comparable to traditional PPC.  The major difference really comes down to ad copy.  Featured ads should be succinct, clear, and possess strong calls to action.  Also, for ads with media content, mobile compatability must be verified so that your ads run properly.  Our team is confident that we can build a strong presence and strong market share in what is a rapidly growing search marketing channel.